Monday, March 14, 2011

Future gymnast or soccer player?

Lately baby girl has been kicking up a storm. I am certain she is doing flips in my stomach. It is very entertaining and sometimes I can hardly keep myself from laughing. However, I find that she decides to kick me at such times that it is inappropriate for me to laugh or give any indication that something is distracting me. For instance, today I was in a very long deposition. I was trying to pay attention to the other lawyer's questions and the witness' answers....however, baby girl had other plans for me. At one point, she kicked me so hard, I literally jumped. Ooops. A couple of weeks ago, I argued in front of the First Circuit Court of Appeal. This was one was of those times that I REALLY needed to pay attention and be 100% focused on what I was saying and doing. Again, baby girl had other plans. She kicked me during my entire 10 minute argument! I guess she was my cheerleader for the day and was supporting her momma. haha.

We are doing great and I am getting bigger. I do not have anything ready for her arrival. Good thing I have 14 more weeks to go.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Jessica!! I am so excited for you guys! Hold on to that awesome feeling of that sweet baby girl kicking- it will be over before you know it :) Can't wait to see baby Chapman!
